Anger: The Internal Enemy

September 09, 2021 Guillermo Mendoza

“This person really upsets me!” is a very common expression; the anger emotion arises when something or someone gets us off balance. This change from our “not angry” or relaxed state to an “angry” state, is almost unnoticeable. Of course, we know when we are angry or very angry, but when we are aware, we are already beyond the transition point from relaxed to angry. The anger energy is so strong that when it happens, we don’t realize it,. It is like a shock in which we gain awareness once we are well into the anger and in the strongest cases not even in that moment but after it goes away.

The Power of Meditation in Coaching and Communications

September 09, 2021 Guillermo Mendoza

For the last 20 years I have been an avid meditator, skipping a few days here and there but mostly sticking to give myself the gift of 30 minutes of relaxing calm every morning training my brain. When I learned to meditate, I remember in one of the instructions from a guided meditation the phrase: “total attention voluntary, continued and concentrated in the object of your attention that is your breathing”.  

Thriving Through the Dark Clouds

August 10, 2021 Sabrina Bruederlin

The Observer

May 12, 2021 Guillermo Mendoza

The Curiosity of a Beginner

February 09, 2021 Sabrina Bruederlin

El Enojo: Enemigo Interno

June 26, 2020 Guillermo Mendoza

El Enojo blog“Esta persona me hace enojar” es una expresión común; el enojo surge cuando alguien nos altera. Esta transición de nuestro estado “no enojado” a “enojado” es casi imperceptible.

Cheer up, what gives us joy?

June 08, 2020 Guillermo Mendoza

AdobeStock_252585277Often situations in life can undermine our confidence, frustrate us and feel like obstacles that are difficult to overcome. Our morale decreases; the energy, excitement and passion we put into a new activity or enterprise is affected and replaced by a concern for failure, by a shadow, that continues putting us down and lowers our performance and our rhythm. We lose that spark that we envy in all of those who are excited to start something with a passion for success.

Ánimo, ¿Qué nos da ánimo?

April 09, 2020 Guillermo Mendoza

ÁnimoCon frecuencia las situaciones de la vida pueden mermar nuestra confianza, frustrarnos, cansarnos y sentirse como obstáculos difíciles de vencer.  Nuestro ánimo decrece, la energía, emoción y pasión que ponemos a una nueva actividad o empresa se afecta y se reemplaza por una preocupación del fracaso, por una sombra que nos desanima mas y que baja nuestro desempeño y nuestro ritmo de actividad, perdemos esa chispa contagiosa que envidiamos en todo el que está emocionado por iniciar algo con la pasión del éxito.