Closing Cycles: How Change affects our Leadership

January 14, 2022 Guillermo Mendoza

Confidence in Spite of Comparison

October 19, 2021 Sabrina Bruederlin

Time for your perfectionism? Not now, not ever.

October 19, 2021 Guillermo Mendoza

THE REMOTE LEADER: Reframing Remote Working

August 10, 2021 Guillermo Mendoza

Remote leadership is not a new thing but working from home, hybrid work and teams combining different working environments is still in constant evolution. Did you know that 1 out of 4 employees are already preparing to look for a new employment opportunity? And that almost half of the workers globally are considering leaving their current employers by the end of the year? (Source: McKinsey “It’s time for leaders to get real about hybrid” July 2021)  

Thriving Through the Dark Clouds

August 10, 2021 Sabrina Bruederlin

Elevating your Coaching: Team Coaching

July 13, 2021 Guillermo Mendoza

The Observer

May 12, 2021 Guillermo Mendoza

The Curiosity of a Beginner

February 09, 2021 Sabrina Bruederlin

No es Personal

March 09, 2020 Guillermo Mendoza

Its not personal“No es personal” es una frase de uso común cuando estamos haciendo comentarios o compartiendo malas noticias con alguien, normalmente sobre algo relacionado con el trabajo. Sabemos que cuando nos tomamos las cosas personalmente, nuestro cerebro reacciona con nuestro mecanismo de defensa animal que nos protege inmediatamente de cualquier forma de agresión. Incluso si lo que percibimos como agresión son palabras, nuestro sistema genera adrenalina, envía sangre a nuestras extremidades y comienza nuestra respuesta de lucha o huida.

It's Not Personal

February 26, 2020 Guillermo Mendoza

Its not personal“It’s not personal”, is a commonly used phrase when we are either giving feedback or sharing bad news with someone about something at work.  We know that when we take things personally our brain reacts with our animal defense mechanism immediately protecting us from any form of aggression.  Even if what we perceive as aggression is words, our system generates adrenaline, sends blood to our limbs and starts up our fight or flight response. 

El Poder de la Conexión

February 06, 2020 Guillermo Mendoza

AdobeStock_260474749.pngTodos sabemos que la soledad no es nada agradable. Cuando estamos solos y tenemos esa sensación de no estar conectados, las emociones negativas surgen fácilmente e incluso pueden llevarnos al punto de sentirnos deprimidos o completamente desmotivados. ¿Pero estamos haciendo algo al respecto?

The Power of Connection

January 29, 2020 Guillermo Mendoza

AdobeStock_260474749.pngWe all know that loneliness is not a nice thing. When we are lonely and we have that feeling of not being connected, negative emotions easily arise and can even hold us to the degree of feeling depressed or completely demotivated. But are we reaching out?

The 5 elements of a successful Coaching Culture Implementation.

October 11, 2017 Guillermo Mendoza

Coaching has become a popular formula for leadership development in organizations and it is migrating from a private engagement for top level executives with their coaches to organizations looking to create a full coaching culture in their workplaces. But what does that mean? Having a coaching culture is not telling your managers to coach better or to practice active listening. Coaching is a personal transformation because it allows everyone to develop a better version of themselves with these principles: