3 Tips para Socializar en Forma Proactiva Online

October 14, 2021 Guillermo Mendoza

Con tanto cambio a nuestro alrededor, hemos tenido que buscar y crear herramientas para adaptarnos a nuestras rutinas diarias. Estar guardados en un lugar que se transformó de una cálida casa a oficina, gimnasio, mall online y cine, no ha sido un proceso fácil. Incluso a ratos, nos deja la sensación de no poder aguantar más así. La tecnología nos ha ayudado a continuar trabajando y estar conectados a nuestros seres queridos y amigos, pero los desafíos de este tipo de conexión siguen siendo grandes.

The Power of Meditation in Coaching and Communications

September 09, 2021 Guillermo Mendoza

For the last 20 years I have been an avid meditator, skipping a few days here and there but mostly sticking to give myself the gift of 30 minutes of relaxing calm every morning training my brain. When I learned to meditate, I remember in one of the instructions from a guided meditation the phrase: “total attention voluntary, continued and concentrated in the object of your attention that is your breathing”.  

The Observer

May 12, 2021 Guillermo Mendoza

Designing your Emotions

April 13, 2021 Maria Bruederlin

3 Tips for Proactive Online Socializing

March 09, 2021 Guillermo Mendoza

With constant changes around us, we've had to embrace our own adaptation skills for our daily routines. Being contained in a place that transformed itself from a cozy home to office, gym, online shopping plaza and movie theater, has not been an easy process and at some times feels like we cannot take it anymore. Technology has helped to stay working and “in touch” with loved ones and friends but the challenges of this type of connection are big.

Coaching 101: Ask for clarity and understanding

July 17, 2018 Maria Bruederlin


“You must hear the very same thing over and over again” my coachee said, as we finished the session.I have to admit, he caught me off guard and caused me to pause.  I think one of the things I have learned in my years of coaching through helping and challenging people in different situations, stages of their lives and parts of the world, is that there are no two people that share the exact same situation, thoughts or ideas.

Communication skills that boost your leadership development

April 07, 2017 Maria Bruederlin


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Being a good communicator is more than being able to speak clearly and effectively. There are three things you learn in coaching that can take your communication skills to the next level  

The Communication Dance

May 10, 2016 Maria Bruederlin

Listen. Observe. Accept. Move.

Shaking Hands 3d Characters Shows Partners And SolidarityThere is a fine line between constructive criticism and just flat out disapproval. Being on the receiving end can either be helpful or make you defensive. We are all born with the ability to express ourselves; we all know how to display emotions and we all communicate them, unfortunately we are not all equipped with the same ability of knowing exactly when we should communicate certain thoughts, feelings or suggestions, I call it tact. Some are born with it; and others, well sadly it takes a lifetime.