The Power of Meditation in Coaching and Communications

September 09, 2021 Guillermo Mendoza

For the last 20 years I have been an avid meditator, skipping a few days here and there but mostly sticking to give myself the gift of 30 minutes of relaxing calm every morning training my brain. When I learned to meditate, I remember in one of the instructions from a guided meditation the phrase: “total attention voluntary, continued and concentrated in the object of your attention that is your breathing”.  

The Observer

May 12, 2021 Guillermo Mendoza

Designing your Emotions

April 13, 2021 Maria Bruederlin

Communication skills that boost your leadership development

April 07, 2017 Maria Bruederlin


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Being a good communicator is more than being able to speak clearly and effectively. There are three things you learn in coaching that can take your communication skills to the next level